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ES&H Home > Departments > Radiation Protection >
DREP > FAQs, Dosimetry |
Frequently Asked Questions
- Dosimetry
Click on beside each question for more information.
Why do I have to wear a dosimeter?
The law requires radiation dose measurements for potentially exposed workers. Although radiation levels are low at most SLAC locations, we measure personnel radiation doses to ensure that dose levels are
"As Low As Reasonably Achievable" (ALARA) and keep records which are required by the Department of Energy.
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Where at SLAC do I have to wear my dosimeter?
If you are issued one or more SLAC whole-body dosimeter(s), you are required to wear them while working in or visiting areas that are defined as:
- Radiologically Controlled Areas (RCAs)
- Radiation, High Radiation, and Very High Radiation Areas
- Contamination Areas
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What training do I need to get a dosimeter? |
All employee, visitors, users and subcontractors are required to take Employee Orientation to Environment, Safety, and Health (EOESH) training at SLAC. GERT certification is required for personnel who need unescorted access to
Controlled Areas and/or Radiologically Controlled Areas (RCAs). Radiological Worker Training (RWT) is required for personnel identified as radiological workers.
If you do not have any ESH Training and have a need
to get into an RCA, you must have an escort.
If you will be in there for more than one working
day (8 hours), you must also obtain a dosimeter, using
form B.
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Where can I take the training?
After training, where can I get the dosimeter?
After taking the training, go to Security Office Trailer # 205/206 with completed
SLAC Dosimeter/ID Request
A (with training) or
form B (without training). The Security Office assistant will issue the dosimeter.
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How do I wear my dosimeter?
On the front of your upper torso, between your neck and waist, on the outside of your clothing and any personal protective clothing. Ensure that the front of the dosimeter faces out and that nothing covers it. Dosimeter should always be worn with a fabric Break-Away Lanyard that has a quick release.
To avoid an inaccurate reading while in an RCA:
- Do not clip your dosimeter to a pants pocket or to a belt.
- Do not clip your dosimeter to a shirtsleeve.
- Do not keep your dosimeter in a purse, wallet, or vehicle.
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What are things that I should never do to my dosimeter? |
- Never open, deface, intentionally expose, or otherwise tamper with the dosimeter.
- Never have more than one dosimeter at any given time
(except in the case of declared pregnancy - see
- Never mail or take dosimeters overseas.
- Never take the dosimeter through the airport
(hand carried or checked luggage) or medical x-ray machines.
- Never loan the dosimeter to someone else.
- Never borrow someone else's dosimeter.
- Never take SLAC dosimeter to another facility.
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What should I do if I lose my dosimeter? |
What should I do if I receive X-Ray radiation therapy or medical treatment involving internal radioactive isotopes while wearing my dosimeter? |
What should I know about medical treatment and radiation exposure? |
For information on radiation exposure from medical exams and procedures, see this fact sheet from the Health Physics Society
What should I do if my dosimeter goes through security x-ray machine
(hand carried or checked luggage) at the airport? |
What can I do if I am pregnant or I plan to become pregnant? |
If you are a pregnant worker at SLAC (or you are planning to become pregnant), you can choose not to formally declare your pregnancy in writing, and continue to work, without any work restrictions or additional dosimeters.
If you choose to declare your pregnancy (or you are planning to become pregnant) in writing, you need to fill out
Declaration of Pregnancy
[pdf] (SLAC-I-720-0A13J-001). You continue to work and agree to wear additional dosimeters and be monitored on a timely basis for prenatal occupational radiation exposure. You accept work restrictions to keep total prenatal occupational exposure below
360 mrem.
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What should I do if I want to withdraw my formally declared pregnancy in writing? |
You need to fill out a
Withdrawal of Pregnancy
form [pdf] (SLAC-I-720-0A13J-002).
Upon submitting the form, you agree to lifting of all dosage and work restrictions and to the removal of all additional dosimeters.
What should I know about pregnancy and radiation exposure? |
For information on pregnancy and radiation exposure, see this fact sheet from the Health Physics Society
How do I return / exchange my dosimeter?
At the end of the monitoring period or the visit to SLAC, remove the dosimeter from the holder, and return it to your Point of Contact or to RP MS#48.
Keep the dosimeter holder (unless a visitor - if so, please
return it with the dosimeter). You will receive a new dosimeter (without a holder) for each monitoring period.
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Do I need to return my dosimeter before leaving SLAC permanently? |
Yes. All dosimeters (and dosimeter holders) must be returned to RP, MS#84, on or before the last day of your employment at SLAC.
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How can I get my dose report? |
Can I have my radiation dose records transferred to other institutions?
Dosimeter wearers (and former dosimeter wearers) may authorize the release of radiation dose information by submitting a request in writing to the Dosimetry Group or filling the
Authorization to Release Occupational Exposure
Information form
The request must contain the following:
- Name of the dosimeter wearer.
- Current telephone number or email address of the dosimeter wearer.
- The name and address of the person or group to whom the records may be reported.
- Signature of the dosimetry wearer.
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What kind of dosimeter does SLAC use for monitoring individual exposure?
SLAC uses Luxel's optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter for radiation dose determination. Luxel dosimeters are commercially provided and processed by Landauer
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What is inside a dosimeter?
The Luxel dosimeter contains an aluminum oxide detector for photon radiation, and (only for RWT dosimeter) a carbonate based detector for neutron radiation. The dosimeter is mounted on a gray plastic holder, with a plastic strap for the wearer’s SLAC ID badge.
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What if I want to bring my friends/colleagues to
SLAC for a tour in a Radiological Controlled Area
- For tour groups with six or more members who will be
entering a RCA, prior written permission from the
Radiation Protection Field Operations (RPFO) must be
obtained and
Form C must be filled out.
- For tour groups with fewer than six members who will
be entering a RCA, each group member must submit a
Form B.
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