Radiation Physics FAQ
I have a radiological safety question about my potential or on-going experiment involving accelerator beam, whom can I call?
What is a Beam Authorization Sheet (BAS) or a Beam Line Authorization (BLA) sheet?
For each facility, e.g., SLAC Linac or SSRL ring, the Beam Authorization Sheet (BAS) is jointly issued and approved by the responsible Radiation Physicist and the appropriate Safety Officer. It specifies all the conditions which are required before and during beam operation.
For each SSRL beam line, a Beam Line Authorization (BLA), equivalent to the BAS, is also provided.
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What is a Radiation Safety Work Control form (RSWCF)? When do I have to use it? Where to find the detailed procedure of using
A RSWCF is used to govern configuration control process of radiation safety items, which are labeled as “radiation safety items.” It should be used before modifications (temporary or permanent) of a safety item are made. Procedure is available on SLAC Guidelines for Operations, Guideline 14, ”Configuration control of radiation safety systems.”
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What do I have to do to remove or modify items labeled as “radiation safety items”?
A RSWCF is used to govern configuration control process of radiation safety items, which are labeled as “radiation safety items”. It should be used before modifications (temporary or permanent) of a safety item are made.
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I am running an experiment and would like to change the operating conditions, e.g. extending BAS time period, bypassing safety interlocked devices (BCS and PPS), or inserting something into the beam line. Are there any special concerns or anything I have to do?
If changes or additions to the operations are needed (such as extensions of time, new experiments, or changes in operating conditions), the responsible Radiation Physicist and the appropriate Safety Officer shall be contacted to obtain approval prior to such changes. Those changes will be specified in the BAS or BLA. No bypass of PPS or BCS devices is allowed without RSO approval.
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I am designing a new beam line, beam-related experiment or a test at SLAC. How do I start to go through to determine the safety requirements?
You need to report to
Safety Overview Committee (SOC). The SOC coordinates and assigns to advisory committees for ES&H reviews of designs and plans for major new activities including experiments, projects and test beams.
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