Field Operations Frequently Asked Questions
Click on
beside each question for more information.
What are the requirements for entering a RCA?
Personnel may access a RCA Unescorted or Escorted.
- Unescorted access requires GERT training and personnel dosimeter.
- Escorted access requires a GERT or RWT escort with the person at all times and personnel dosimeter.
Please see the
Radiological Zones page for other access information
and definitions.
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Where can I get a GERT or RWT training?
GERT classes are available on a Computer Based
Training (CBT) station. Please see
ES&H Training CBT Locations for a list of
locations and contacts to schedule an appointment.
RWT-I classes are typically scheduled on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Building 3. See
ES&H Training to register.
RWT-II classes are typically scheduled on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. See
ES&H Training to register.
Re-qualification is required every 2 years.
Persons who choose to challenge the RWT-I or RWT-II
exams may take the exam at one of many satellite
testing areas. Please see
ES&H Training CBT Locations for a list of
locations and contacts to schedule an appointment.
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I need a practical test for my RWT. Who can I call and when are they administered?
Practicals, required by 10CFR835, are typically administered on Thursdays at 0900 at Building 3 or after scheduled classes.
If necessary we can also administer them when requested. Phone #4299 to schedule a Practical.
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What are the radiation dose rates around the accelerator housings?
I want to remove material from an Accelerator Housing. What do I do?
If material was in the accelerator housing (past the PPS door) during beam operation, it shall be surveyed by RPFO (Radiation Protection Field Operations) for radioactivity prior to removal.
In most cases the material is to be left behind the PPS door or gate until surveyed by RPFO.
In some cases, an area has been established outside the PPS door to store items until surveyed.
Phone RPFO at #4299. Leave message. For weekends or backshifts, Main Control Operators at #2151 may conduct limited surveys of material to remove them from accelerator housings.
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Why do ALL materials taken to Property Control, Salvage need to be surveyed by RP?
In year 2000 the DOE issued an order to all laboratories to not release metals off site which had been located in radiological areas, even if surveys show no radioactivity.
This moratorium remains in place today. We do not know when this will be lifted.
As a way to ensure we comply with this directive, all materials receive a radiological survey and the generator must answer specific questions to determine whether the material must remain at SLAC or may be taken off site for recycling activities.
Property Control must have a completed form before they will accept any material.
The process is simple and we will make all effort to respond to your request for surveys quickly.
Please see the
Radiological Material Process for more
information and forms.
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How can I acquire a radioactive source to use, and what radioisotopes are available at SLAC?
A list of available radioactive sealed sources is
If a suitable source is available, RPFO will transfer the source to you after administration training.
Personnel who need to use a source need to be GERT trained and may need to be trained as a Source Custodian, Course #118.
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