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EP-Hazardous Waste Management
Forms Guidance Supplies

Spill Supplies

Your best defense against the impact of a chemical spill is to be prepared. When assembling your spill response materials, consider the following:

  • Think about the types and volumes of chemicals that you work with. Have the right types of supplies, and in large enough quantity to be effective.
  • Keep your spill supplies in an easily accessible area, near your chemicals.
  • If you work with chemicals site-wide, keep a spill kit in your vehicle.
  • Let your Building Manager and coworkers know where spill materials are located.
  • Check the stock of spill supplies on a regular basis, you will be surprised how stuff "walks away."
  • Restock the supplies if you use them.
  • If you need additional supplies or help with a spill, contact Waste Management.

Any material generated from cleaning up a spilled hazardous material is a hazardous waste. Make sure you containerize all soiled absorbent, paper towels, and other contaminated materials. Everything should be properly labeled and disposed as hazardous waste.

Spill Kits

Spill Supplies

You can assemble your own spill kit, or buy a pre-assembled kit.

You can buy prefabricated kits.

If you have mercury containing equipment in your work area, you should have a special "mercury spill kit."


Hazardous Waste Management Supplies


Various products can be used to soak up a chemical spill including "kitty litter" type absorbent, absorbent pads, sheets, and pigs (absorbent strips)


Brooms are used to work absorbent into a spill and to clean up the spill.

Dust pan

Use a dust pan for cleaning up soiled absorbent.


Use chemical resistant gloves. Make sure you have the right type of gloves for the chemicals with which you work.

Safety Glasses

Use safety glasses whenever there is a risk of chemicals getting into your eyes.


Use a permanent marking pen for labeling hazardous waste generated from spill cleanup.


Use zip lock bags for containing spill cleanup items.

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