Labeling Hazardous Waste Correctly
Hazardous waste regulations are specific about what
information must be on each hazardous waste
container. Ensure that the following information is
- The words, "Hazardous Waste"
- Accumulation start
- Waste composition and physical state (such as,
"chlorinated solvent waste, liquid")
- The hazard(s) of the waste (such as, flammable,
reactive, toxic, corrosive)
- Company name and address: SLAC, 2575 Sand Hill
Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025
- Name and phone extension of the individual generating
the waste.
SLAC Custom Labels Make it Easier!
To simplify hazardous waste labeling,
SLAC uses custom Waste ID labels that are preprinted
with much of the required information. Every
container issued
by WM is delivered to the generator with one of
these custom labels.

When You Cannot Use a Waste Management Issued Container...
Using Waste Management issued containers
is the easiest way to ensure that your waste is properly
labeled. Sometimes it is not possible. Examples
- A hazardous material is designated as a
waste but left in its original container.
- The waste will not fit into a collection drum.
- You did not know you would be generating hazardous
waste, so you did not have a WM issued container
When you cannot put your waste in a
container issued by WM, do the following:
* The requirement to notify WM ensures
that the waste item is entered into the SLAC hazardous
waste tracking system. Items that are not entered
into the system tend to be forgotten and exceed the
accumulation time limit allowed by law.