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EP-Hazardous Waste Management
Forms Guidance Supplies


Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is heat resistant, very strong, and has remarkable insulating properties, making it a desirable material in construction. It is impossible to list all of the products that have contained asbestos. Some of the more common asbestos-containing products that might be found at SLAC include:

  • roofing products
  • mastics
  • vinyl floor tile
  • insulating cement
  • gaskets
  • thermal seals
  • tarnish board
  • asbestos cement pipe
  • adhesives
  • coatings
  • pipe-covering
  • ceiling tile
  • packing materials
  • fireproofing spray
  • joint compound
  • insulated electrical wire
  • acoustical textures
  • brake and clutch assemblies.
  • duct insulation for heating, ventilation
    and air conditioning (HVAC) systems

Identifying asbestos

If you have a project that may involve asbestos or suspected asbestos, contact the asbestos resource person listed on the ESH Program and SME Resource List [xls] icon for secured site link. The ESH asbestos resource person will make a positive identification and provide you specific guidance on how to proceed.

Disposing of asbestos

Asbestos removal must be performed by a licensed asbestos contractor (SLAC personnel do not perform asbestos removal). Discuss the project ahead of time with Waste Management so that the proper containers and packaging can be obtained. Asbestos has special packaging requirements to prevent asbestos fibers from getting into the air and environment.

Questions? ESH Help Ticket Form (internal) or
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