Radiation Protection FAQs
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beside each question for more information.
I have a radiation safety concern or suggestion that I would like to report. What should I do?
Upon identification of radiological concerns, such as inappropriate work controls or procedural deficiencies, you should report the concern or suggestion to your line supervision or the RPD (Radiation Protection Department).
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What is the radiological control organization at SLAC?
The Radiation Protection Department has a RadPhysics group,
a RPFO (Radiation Protection Field Operations) group,
a DREP (Dosimetry and Radiological Environmental Protection) group, and
a RWM (Radioactive Waste Management) group.
The RPD head is Sayed Rokni, who is also the RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) and
the RCM (Radiological Control Manager).
RadPhysics group is at Building 3.
RPFO office is located at Building 24, room 185.
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What are responsibilities of Radiation Physic group (RPG)? |
The Radiation Physics group has the primary responsibility for analyzing, reviewing and approving the shielding and protective design for new beam installations, and verifying implementation with approved designs. The RP group issues the Beam Authorization Sheets, which describe the required radiation safety design features, and provide check lists for use by the Operations staff.
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What are responsibilities of Radiation Protection Field Operation Group (RPFO)?
What are responsibilities of DREP (Dosimetry and Radiological Environmental Protection) group?
DREP group is responsible for providing personnel dosimetry services to SLAC employees, users, contractors and visitors, as well as area dosimetry services.
DREP group also provide evaluation and monitoring of radiological impacts to the general public and the environment from SLAC operations.
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What are responsibilities of RWM (Radioactive Waste Management) group?
What are responsibilities of Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and Radiation Safety Committee (RSC)?
Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) reviews new installation designs having implications for radiation safety, and reviews proposals for changes to the Personnel Protection System (PPS).
The Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) is a member of the Radiation Physics Department, and is authorized to approve the new design. RSO is authorized to stop any activity which he or she believes is unsafe.
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