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ESH Program

Industrial Hygiene Program

ESH Manual Chapter 5 has been revoked.  

The Industrial Hygiene Program at SLAC encompasses multiple programs that anticipate health and safety concerns and design solutions through the application of scientific principles.

Typical SLAC Industrial Hygiene health and safety challenges include:

  • Biohazardous materials
  • Detection and control of potential occupational hazards (noise, heat stress,  insufficient illumination)
  • Indoor air quality
  • Non-ionizing Radiation (electromagnetic fields, microwaves)
  • Potentially hazardous agents (asbestos, beryllium, lead, nanomaterials)
  • Setting limits on exposure to chemical and physical agents

For industrial hygiene assistance, please contact your ESH Coordinator.  If warranted, they will arrange services with the Industrial Hygiene department.

For facilities related questions, please contact your Building Manager (such as testing of the fume hood and emergency eyewash and shower stations, etc.)


 Program Documents


Program Ownership

Department: Health and Safety Services
Program Manager: Mike McDaniel

Additional Contacts

Program SLAC-Internal page

Questions? ESH Help Ticket Form (internal) or
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