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ESH Manual

Chapter 36: Cryogenic and Oxygen Deficiency Hazard Safety

The purpose of this program is to ensure that work involving cryogens and other oxygen-displacing gases is performed safely, avoiding such hazards as asphyxiation, pressure explosions, and cold burns.

It covers the approval, use, and handling of such substances, including the setting up of new operations and modification of existing operations involving these substances.

It applies to workers, supervisors, responsible persons, line management, ESH coordinators, and the cryogenic and oxygen deficiency hazard safety program manager.

Quick Start Summary [pdf]

Full Chapter [pdf]

Procedures and Requirements

Forms and Tools

  • ODH Safety Review Form  [pdf] | [docx]
  • ODH Hazard Classification Sign Templates  [pdf] | [docx]

Other Program Documents and Resources

Program Ownership

Department: Health and Safety Services
Program Manager: Mike McDaniel

Additional Contacts

Program SLAC-Internal page

Questions? ESH Help Ticket Form (internal) or Send Email
Last update: 04/23/2024 22:17:34