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ESH Help Ticket

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ESH SLAC Internal

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ESH Coordinators

Environment, Safety, and Health Coordinators

Program directors, associate directors, group leaders, department heads, project managers, and facility representatives are authorized to designate safety coordinators to represent them in ESH matters. 

ESH Coordinators meet every six weeks. For current schedule and more information contact Mary Nelson or Terry McMahon.

ESH Coordinators

Note: SLAC Contact links are SLAC internal. If you are outside SLAC, please search on the Stanford Directory instead. If you have questions, please email 

If you do not see your specific division or area listed, your ESH Coordinator is Greg W. Johnson 

Director's Office and Mission Support

Lead: Greg W. Johnson

Accelerator Directorate (AD)

Lead - Amy Ecclesine

Energy Sciences Directorate (ESD)

Holly McDiffett-Mahaffey

Fundamental Physics Directorate (FPD)

Norm Picker, Richard Delacruz

Major Capital Projects

Lead: Ian Evans


Lead: Marc Weibel


Ramsey Razik


Matt Padilla

Super CDMS

Christina Adair

Technology and Innovation Directorate (TID)

Hovaness Dekeyan


If you are not sure who to contact, use our online ESH Help Ticket Form or call (650) 926-4554 (ESH Help Desk)

If you have a concern or suggestion, please see the ESH Concerns page for contact options.


Questions? ESH Help Ticket Form (internal) or
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