Off-site Shipment of Hazardous Waste
Any hazardous waste generated at SLAC may only remain
on-site for 90 days. Approximately 45 days after the
accumulation start date, Waste Management will pick up
hazardous waste containers and begin preparing the waste
for offsite shipment. This occurs at the Hazardous Waste
Storage Area (Building 447).

- Waste is weighed, sorted, consolidated, and
stored in the appropriate segregation bay within the
- Containers are prepared for shipment. This
involves making sure the waste is properly packaged
and labeled to comply with transportation and
hazardous waste regulations as well as the
requirements of the facility that will be accepting
the waste. This requires detailed paperwork that
must accompany every hazardous waste shipment.
- A licensed transportation vendor is coordinated and the waste is
transported off-site.