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EP-Hazardous Waste Management
Forms Guidance Supplies

In-process Containers

"In-process" describes material that is being used, and is not a waste. Sometimes, materials have to be temporarily removed from a process and placed into containers. A container holding in-process material is called an in-process container. The contents of an in-process container will eventually be returned to the original process.

An example of an in-process container is a drum that is used to temporarily hold the oil from a klystron while the klystron is being serviced.

Obtaining a container for in-process materials

The same types of containers that are available for hazardous waste accumulation are available for in-process material accumulation. To request containers, submit a completed Hazardous Waste Pick-up and Empty Container Request Form.

Labeling requirements

It is important to label in-process containers so that they are not confused for hazardous waste containers. Containers that are issued by Waste Management for in-process material accumulation are generally pre-labeled with a Generic Container Label.

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