NOTE! The ESH Public website has moved to
The information on this website is no longer being updated, and is being moved to a
new location.
Please contact for any questions about older website material.

The Environmental Restoration Group conducts cleanup activities to
manage and restore areas of the facility that have been impacted by
releases of chemicals from historic operations or spills.
conducted by the group include investigating geology and hydrogeology,
identifying chemical impacts, conducting groundwater monitoring,
operating groundwater extraction and treatment systems, excavating and
properly disposing of chemically impacted soil, and restoring
environmental habitat when removed for the cleanup.
The group works
closely with regulatory agencies including the San
Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, which is the
administering State regulatory agency overseeing the Environmental
Restoration Project at SLAC.
Fact Sheets
- Fact Sheet 01
[pdf]: June 2006. Site investigation and cleanup work being
conducted under Water Board Site Cleanup Requirements Order
- Fact Sheet 02
[pdf]: June 2006. Notice of public comment period for the Work Plan for the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study
and the Interaction Region 6 (IR-6) Drainage Channel Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis and Action Plan
- Fact Sheet 03
[pdf]: January 2007. Notice of public comment period for the Contingent Removal Action Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA).
- Fact Sheet 04
[pdf]: April 2009. Description of removal actions
- Fact Sheet 05
[pdf]: November 2009. Description of removal actions
- Fact Sheet 06
[pdf]: May 2010. Notice of public comment period and public meeting for the draft
Groundwater VOC OU Remedial Action Plan.
- Fact Sheet 07
[pdf]: December 2013. Notice of public comment period for the Baseline Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment for the Research Yard/SSRL/IR-6 Drainage Channel Operable Unit
- Fact Sheet 08 [pdf]: June 2017. Notice of public comment period for the draft Remedial Action Plan for the Research Yard - SSRL / IR-6 Operable Unit
Information Repository
Key technical documents are available at:
City of Menlo Park Library, 800 Alma Street
- in the reference area,
please check with the reference librarian if you do not see the document you are looking for. |
Electronic versions of these reports are also available on the California State’s data
management website at
Open the website and click the "Advanced Search" link that is located under "TOOLS"
on the left-hand side of the screen. Enter "SL0608125065" (without the quotation marks)
into the "CASE ID/GLOBAL ID" field and click the "Search"
button at the bottom of the form. On the next screen, click"Report", for the "SLAC
National Accelerator Laboratory" then the tab labeled "Site Maps/Documents." |
Documents provided to the Menlo Park Public Library are:
- Baseline Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment for the Reserch Yard/SSRL/IR-6 Drainage Channel Operable Unit
- Baseline Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment for the
West SLAC/Campus Area/IR-8 Drainage Channel Operable Unit
- Implementation Report: Removal Action for Group 1 Investigation Areas
- Final Remedial Investigation Report for the West SLAC/Campus
Area/IR-8 Drainage Channel Operable Unit (Part B)
- Five-Year Review Report, Period Ending June 2016
- Site Closure Report: Group 2 Removal Action Sites
- Group 2 Site Closure Summaries
- Group 3 Removal Action Work Plan
- Group 3 Removal Action Work Plan Addendum 1 IR-6 and IR-8 Drainage Channel Investigation Areas
- Group 3 Removal Action Work Plan Addendum 2 IR-6 Concrete
Drainage Channel Area
- Group 3 Removal Action Implementation Report
- SLAC Contingent Removal Action Plan Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis
- Tritium Operable Unit Remedial Investigation Report
- Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. R2-2009-0072
- Environmental Baseline Report
- Public Participation Plan
- Work Plan for the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study
- Work Plan for Soil Excavation at the Former Hazardous Waste Storage Area
- Curtailment Request for the Remediation System at the Former Hazardous Waste Storage Area
- Interaction Region 6 (IR-6) Drainage Channel Engineering
Evaluation/Cost Analysis and Action Plan (EE/CA)
- Investigation, Remediation, and Closure Protocol for Newly
Discovered Sites, Deferred Areas, and Land Use Changes
- Development and Use of Site-Specific Preliminary Remediation
Goals for Human Health Risk Assessment
- Addendum No. 6, Development and Use of Site-Specific
Preliminary Remediation Goals for Human Health Risk Assessment
- Development and Use of Site-Specific Preliminary Remediation
Goals for Ecological Risk Assessment
- Site Characterization for the Plating Shop Area
- Site Characterization Report for the Former Hazardous Waste Storage Area
- SLAC Quality Assurance Project Plan
- Supplement Analysis for the National Environmental Policy
Act Environmental Assessment LINAC COHERENT LIGHT SOURCE -II
(DOE/EA-1975-SA-02) LCLS-II High Energy (LCLS-II-HE) Project
- Removal Action Workplan for Group 1 Investigation Areas
- Remedial Action Plan for the Groundwater VOC Operable Unit
- Remedial Action Plan Implementation Report for the Groundwater VOC Operable Unit
- Remedial Action Plan for the Research Yard-SSRL/IR-6 Drainage Channel Operable Unit
- Remedial Action Plan Implementation Report for the Research
Yard-SSRL/IR-6 Drainage Channel Operable Unit
- Implementation Report for Group 3 Removal Action at IR-6
Concrete Drainage Channel Area
- Implementation Report for Hydrodynamic Sedimentation Unit
(HSU) Upstream of IR-6 Drainage Channel
- Implementation Report for Targeted Material Removal from
Research Yard – SSRL Area
- Risk Management Plan for Groundwater VOC
- Operation and Maintenance Plan for for the Groundwater VOC Operable Unit
- Operation and Maintenance Plan for the Research
Yard-SSRL/IR-6 Drainage Channel Operable Unit
- Focused Interim Remedial Investigation Report West SLAC and Campus Areas
- Feasibility Study for the West SLAC/Campus Area/IR-8 Drainage Channel Operable Unit
- Implementation Report for the Group 3 Removal Action at IR-6
and IR-8 Drainage Channels
- Fact Sheets
Public Inquiries
Public inquiries should be directed to:
Office of Communications Director
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 58
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(650) 926-8703