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Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization
The Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization program provides support to reduce SLAC’s impact on the land, water and air quality through elimination or reduction of waste released to the environment.
Program Contacts
Although recycling is an important component to our waste reduction efforts, greater environmental benefits are achieved through source reduction and reuse. When planning and conducting work, consider “the three R's”:
- Reduce is the best method for minimizing waste. It reduces the amount of waste by modifying procedures to use less material and by substituting materials such as less or non-toxic materials.
- Reuse Reuse means re-using a product without modifying or altering it.
For SLAC owned items no longer needed, including equipment and office products, submit items to
SLAC Salvage who will look for re-use, sales, transfer, and recycling options. Salvage also has items
available for re-issue. If you have unused and unexpired excess chemicals that may be reusable, look around your organization to see if someone else can use
them or contact the
Hazardous Materials Program Manager for help in finding a user.
- Recycle a material if it cannot be reused. SLAC has recycling programs in place to accept recyclable material.
To close the material lifecycle loop, consider two additional steps:
- Compost organic materials that cannot be reduced, reused or recycled.
See the Compostables section below more information on SLAC’s compost program.
- Buy green materials, such as material made with recycled content.
See the list of green purchasing resources.
For tips on incorpoarationg sustainable practices at SLAC events, view the Sustainable Event Guide
*** Do not bring waste materials from home to SLAC ***
See Earth911.com for a guide to local recycling resources for your household materials.
SLAC Specific Recycling Programs
SLAC's Zero Waste Program (ZWP) is implemented in new buildings and is being phased in existing buildings as resources allow. The goal of the ZWP is to maximize recycling and minimize trash to landfills by enhancing the building’s waste collection systems.
Currently, the following buildings at SLAC are on the Zero Waste Program:
T26, T36, 024, 028, 034, 035, 040, 041, 044, 048, 049, 050, 051, 052, 053, 055, 057,
081, 084, 117, 120, 123, 137 E&W, 621, 750/751, 901, 905, 950, and 999. Building Managers may request that their building be placed on the ZWP program implementation queue by contacting the Zero Waste Program Manager.
Click on the buttons below to expand information about recycling in that area.
Nearly all types of paper, including newspaper, junk mail and hardback
and paperback books are acceptable in SLAC′s recycling program. Building occupants are responsible for taking their paper
materials for recycling to the
blue bins labeled as “Recycling” which are staged both inside and
outside of buildings throughout SLAC. If you need additional blue bins in your building, please
contact your
building manager
who may order additional carts through a
Facilities Service Request.
Paper contaminated with food and oils, such as napkins, pizza boxes, and
doughnut boxes are NOT acceptable for recycling in the Recycling
carts or Recycling bins. Pizza boxes, napkins, and doughnut boxes (without plastic
windows) may be placed in bins labeled as "Compostables" or the trash.
Plastic bags, bubble-wrap, and air-pillows may be recycled in the Recycling carts. These materials
should be dry and clean, and placed in
a single bag if multiple bags are being recycled so that they can be easily pulled out once they
reach the recycling sorting yard.
Plastics, Cans & Glass
Many types of containers are acceptable in SLAC’s recycling program. Building occupants are responsible for taking their
containers for recycling to the blue bins labeled as “Recycling” which are staged both
inside and outside of buildings throughout SLAC. If you need additional blue bins in your building,
please contact your building manager who may order additional carts through a Facilities Service Request.
Containers for compostable organic materials such as food waste, plants, and certified compostable
food serviceware, are currently available in limited areas at SLAC. Containers to collect compostable waste at events may be ordered by the
event coordinator through a Facilities Service Request. If compost collection
containers are to be provided, it is required that all of
the disposable food serviceware provided for the event must be certified compostable by the Biodegradable
Products Institute or 100% paper, free of poly or wax coatings. The event organizer must arrange for
staff or volunteers to monitor the bins. The bins must be clearly labeled, and each compost bin should
be accompanied by a recycling container and a container for landfill waste (i.e., non-compostable, non-recyclable trash).
For tips on incorporating sustainable practices at SLAC events, view the Sustainable Event Guide [pdf].
Corrugated cardboard has three layers with the middle cardboard layer groove. This material should be deposited
for recycling in an outside dumpster labeled "Recycling”. Other types of cardboard,
usually called paperboard (looks like the same material used for cereal boxes) can also be recycled.
When recycling corrugated cardboard boxes, please remove contents and flatten the boxes.
Cardboard contaminated with food, such as pizza boxes, are not recyclable
and should not be put in SLAC recycling bins. Pizza boxes are only acceptable in bins labeled as "Compostables".
If you do not know how cardboard is handled in your building or where the nearest dumpster is located, check with your building manager or the Facilities
Service Desk (x8901).
Green Waste
Bins for Green Waste, or vegetation waste, such as materials generated during landscaping activities, are staged on site at SLAC.
Additional bins may be ordered for large jobs requiring vegetation removal. Contact Facilities Service Desk (x8901) or place a
Facilities Service Request online for access to containers staged on site or for ordering additional containers.
Small quantities of vegetation wastes such as plants and flowers are also acceptable in bins labeled as "
Scrap Wood
Untreated wood, such as wood from pallets or shipping crates, can be recycled. The SLAC Facilities Department stages bins on site
for collection of untreated wood and can order additional containers for large projects.
Contact Facilities Service Desk (x8901) or place a Facilities Service Request online for access to containers staged on site or
for ordering additional containers.
Wood treated with a chemical preservative—for example pressure-treated boards and posts—must be disposed of properly as hazardous
waste. Treated wood must be disposed though SLAC’s Waste Management Group.
Scrap Metal, Wires, and Cables
Construction and Demolition Recycling
The Facilities Department can arrange for bins for uncontaminated mixed construction and demolition (C&D) debris, such as wall
board, tiles (non-asbestos), concrete, and wood waste that will be generated during construction or demolition project. The
Facilities Department also stages these bins on site, which may be used to deposit materials from small jobs. Contact Facilities
Service Desk (x8901) or place a Facilities Service Request online for access to containers staged on site or for ordering additional
dedicated containers.
Where C&D work is not performed using SLAC supplied bins, waste and recycling quantities must be reported to the Waste Minimization
Coordinator for inclusion in annual required reporting.
Contaminated C&D debris, such as asbestos or PCB containing materials, should be disposed through SLAC’s Waste Management Group.
Materials coming out of a Radiological Area must be cleared by the Radiation Protection Department Field Operations Group (x4299)
prior to placing in a trash or recycling container.
All spent and waste batteries must be properly managed; many types can be recycled and others must be disposed of as hazardous waste.
Batteries used in items such as flashlights, calculators, pagers, and cameras usually contain lithium, nickel-cadmium, carbon-zinc,
silver-oxide, or mercury-oxide. Consumer use batteries are in the "universal waste" category and must never be put in the trash.
To find an established battery collection station (or to establish a station near a particular work area), contact the Waste Management Group or your building manager.
Batteries such as those used in cars, forklifts, electric carts, and emergency power supplies are of the lead-acid type, which must be
recycled. SLAC Fleet Services Group handles storage and shipment for off-site recycling of these types of batteries. For detailed
information, see Hazardous Waste: Fleet Services Handling Requirements for Used Automotive-type Lead-acid Batteries [pdf].
Electronic Waste
Electronic wastes, such as computers, monitors, laptops, printers, VCRs, DVD players, cell phones, calculators, digital cameras, fax
machines, mice/keyboards, and other items with electronic parts cannot be placed in the trash. Electronic waste should be transferred to
SLAC Salvage for recycling.
Flash Drives, Compact Disks (CDs), and other Memory Storage Devices
If you have flash drives or compact disks that are no longer need, please complete a
salvage form (parts A and B) then put the disks in SLAC mail to Property Control/Salvage Warehouse, Mail Stop 85A (x2329), or drop them off directly at the Salvage Warehouse. |
Lamps and Bulbs
Many types of light bulbs, also referred to as "lamps," contain mercury, including but not limited to fluorescent tubes and lamps,
compact fluorescents, metal halide lamps, high pressure sodium lamps, mercury vapor lamps, and some neon lamps. It is illegal to
dispose of mercury-containing lamps in the trash. Contact the Waste Management Group for collection and recycling of all spent lamps
including halogen and incandescent (which do not contain mercury).
Styrofoam Packing Materials
Unfortunately, Polystyrene (also known as Styrofoam or #6 plastic) packaging materials (peanuts or large blocks) are not accepted
in SLAC's recycling program due to current limitations in recycling of this material.
When possible, please work with the company providing the product to minimize packaging and utilize alternatives to Styrofoam such
as paper, molded paper, bubble wrap or air pillows. If they cannot, another alternative is to see if the vendor can take back the packaging for reuse.
Styrofoam peanuts may be accepted by SLAC's Shipping and Receiving Department for reuse. Please coordinate with Sandra Pickrom (x4247). If you cannot
find a reuse for the styrofoam, it should be bagged and placed in the trash. Small pieces, such as peanuts, should be bagged and sealed prior to
placing in the trash to avoid littering during container unloading and transport.
Bubble Wrap, Plastic Bags, Plastic Sheeting, Air Pillows
Clean and dry plastic bags, bubble wrap, plastic sheeting, and air pillows may be recycled
by putting them in the blue recycling carts. Place these materials in a single bag if multiple bags are being recycled so that they
will be easily seen when they reach the recycling sorting yard.
Toner Cartridges, Used
Most used toner cartridges will be taken back for recycling by SLAC's eShop office product suppliers. Used cartridges should be placed in
the original packaging, or that of the like replacement cartridge, and given to the driver upon the next scheduled delivery. If no current deliveries
are scheduled, a pick up order can be generated by contacting the contract manager, Katherine Coh, and providing your specific location and contact
information. There is no charge for this service.
If a vendor does not take an item back for recycling, the cartridge
must be properly managed as hazardous waste and needs to be disposed through
the Waste Management Group.
SLAC formerly had a means of recycling transparencies through 3M, but the 3M program is not longer available, and SLAC has not yet identified an alternative recycler.
Recylce Posters
Click on an image to get the full poster pdf for print out.