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NOTE! The ESH Public website has moved to 
The information on this website is no longer being updated, and is being moved to a new location.
Please contact for any questions about older website material.

 A-Z Index

ESH Help Ticket

ESH Forms

ESH Manual

Medical - OHC

Emergency Status

SLAC Security

ESH Contacts

ESH Concerns - DPO

ESH Depts

COVID-19 Resourcs 

ESH SLAC Internal

SLAC Training
(non-ESH site)


Building Inspection Office

The ESH Building Inspection Office (BIO) provides review, oversight, and authorization for construction, modifications, renovations, demolition, use, occupancy, alteration, and retro-fits of all buildings, structures, and areas at SLAC. BIO applies 10 CFR 851, thereby reinforcing SLAC's commitment to safeguard its employees, scientists, visitors, and infrastructure.
Contact: Cheryl Nadler or Mark Matthews

BIO Documents

These files are publically available.


Programs (ESH Manual)

Starting a Project - BIO Plan Review System (PRS)

When first working on a project with the BIO group, please enter your information in the BIO Plan Review System (PRS) (internal). this is a SLAC-Internal page  

The application will help you create and submit a SLAC construction project. It will guide you through the necessary steps to get your project submitted, approved, and started in the timely manner.

Related Departments



Internal SLAC files

These files are the internal SLAC site. this is a SLAC-Internal page SLAC log-in required.

Handouts, Code Interpretations, and Other Documents


accessibility  building  electrical  Fire - FMO  mechanical  parking  plumbing  PRS System  Seismic Anchorage of Experimental Equipment  Science structural  Other Handouts 


BIO Team Working Site SLAC-Internal page (restricted access to BIO Team)


Questions? ESH Help Ticket Form (internal) or
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