Heavy Flavour Identification at Linear Colliders
Abstract: |
The physics programme at an e+e- linear collider involves cleanly and efficiently reconstructing the decays of heavy flavour particles, such as B and D mesons, in a large background of low-energy electron pairs.
This will require a finely pixelated vertex detector, with significant improvements over state-of-the-art in readout speed and material budget. I will discuss the work of the UK-based LCFI Collaboration to meet these technical challenges, with the development of fast imaging silicon devices and research into novel low-mass support structures.
Speaker: |
Joel Goldstein - Bristol |
Speaker Bio: |
Joel Goldstein is a Reader in Physics at the University of Bristol, having built and operated silicon strip detectors at LEP and the Tevatron. For the past few years he has concentrated on the development of new silicon pixel-based particle detectors for future colliders.
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Poster |
Presentation: |
Presentation on 9/3/2008 (PDF)