Advanced LIGO: the Next Gravitational Wave Observatory
Abstract: |
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) is an
ambitious project to measure gravitational waves from astrophysical
sources and use these measurements to open a new observational window
on the universe. Caused by accelerating masses, a gravitational wave
is a traveling disturbance in the metric of space-time. They were
predicted by Einstein, but because of their small amplitudes, have not
(yet) been directly measured. LIGO is a 4 km baseline, high-precision
laser interferometer designed to detect these waves. I will describe
the current LIGO project, and discuss Advanced LIGO, the proposed
major upgrade to the current observatory. To measure strains (relative
length changes) on the order of 10^-22, we are advancing state-of-the-
art technologies on many fronts, including active seismic isolation,
high power lasers, and optical systems designed to operated with over
800 kW of incident power. I will discuss some of these new advances,
and describe plans for the next decade of gravitational wave astronomy.
LIGO is supported by the National Science Foundation and administered
by Caltech.
Speaker: |
Brian Lantz - Stanford University |
Speaker Bio: |
Dr. Lantz (Ph.D. Physics, MIT, 1999) is a Senior Research Scientist at
Stanford University. He is the lead scientist for the Seismic
Isolation and Alignment System for Advanced LIGO.
Poster Link: |
Poster |
Presentation: |
Presentation on 2/20/2008 (PDF)