High-resolution timing in photon detection – a new frontier in physics
Abstract: |
Talk concentrates on new micro-channel based detectors (MCP-PMT), and
describes them from point of view of their basic design parameters, describes testing methods and timing strategies, and shows experimental results. MCP-PMT detectors will be compared with competing fast silicon-based detectors.
The new fast photon detectors may open new applications in physics. Examples are: (a) CMS and ALICE proposals for TOF detectors to do a diffractive pp scattering at LHC to discover Higgs, (b) a TOF detector at a possible Super-B factory, (c) a Focusing DIRC, which would identify a color of each Cherenkov photon by timing, which then allows a correction of the chromatic error, (d) TOF addition to PET detectors in medicine, etc. |
Speaker: |
Jerry Va'vra - SLAC |
Speaker Bio: |
Jerry Va'vra works at SLAC since 1978. Since coming to SLAC, he worked on LASS, HRS, SLD and BaBar experiments. He has experience with many types of detectors, including RICH detectors, both gaseous and vacuum-based types. He organized SLAC 1998-99 detector school on detector techniques, where he also lectured. He contributed to the OPAL central drift chamber development while a visitor of CERN in 1982-83, and was also a visitor at Weizmann Institute working on CsI photo-cathodes. He is currently leading an effort to develop novel PID detectors Focusing DIRC and high precision TOF counter, both possible candidates for the Super B factory. His undergraduate studies were done at Charles University in Prague and his diploma work at Physics Institute of Academy of Science in Prague. His Ph.D. was obtained in 1972 at McGill University in Montreal for experiments on Bevatron, LBL. He was a post-doc at Triumf/UBC and Carleton Universities in Canada.
Poster Link: |
Poster |
Presentation: |
Presentation on 11/14/2007 (PDF)