High Average power Ultrafast Lasers and Application in Coherent EUV/x-ray Generation
Abstract: |
Ultrafast laser-amplifier systems with very high peak and average power have enabled a new generation of exciting experiments to probe x-ray driven molecular dynamics, to implement tabletop coherent nano-imaging, or to understand ultrafast correlated electron dynamics in molecules and materials. Ultrafast laser systems with average power > 30 Watts, in pulse durations <20 fs and at pulse repetition rates of 10kHz to >100 kHz can now be implemented using cryogenically-cooled ti:sapphire amplifier systems. These systems take advantage of efficient, high-power diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers as their energy source. Cryogenic cooling of the laser medium dramatically reduces thermal lensing, simplifying the optical configuration of the laser and allowing for the generation of high quality pulses with unprecedented short duration. This simple but powerful architecture ideal for practical implementation of coherent soft x-ray light sources using the technique of high-harmonic generation. Recent development in phase matching and quasi-phase matching techniques in the x-ray region makes it possible to generate coherent light throughout the soft-x-ray region useful for a variety of experiments requiring coherent and/or ultrashort pulse short-wavelength light. These lasers are also useful for a variety of applications in accelerator-based sources, including for pump-probe time resolved studies, for photocathode electron sources, and in future as a coherent seed for high brightness x-ray free-electron lasers. |
Speaker: |
Henry Kapteyn - JILA and Department of Physics, University of Colorado and NIST, Boulder CO 80304 |
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