Home made imaging X-ray detectors - high speed, low noise, low power,radiation hard, high Q.E.
Abstract: |
The seminar will introduce the basics of modern Silicon radiation detectors: diodes and MOS type structures. Silicon strip detectors, silicon drift detectors, charge coupled devices, and CMOS type
detectors will be derived from basic structures. Examples of applications will be given for the following scientific fields: Astrophysics (XMM, eROSITA, SIMBOL-X and XEUS), planetary physics (Spirit&Opportunity, BepiColombo, EXO-Mars), Astroparticle Physics (MAGIC, EUSO), synchrotron beamline instrumentation (BESSY, XFEL, LCLS, PETRA III, FLASH), material science (TEM, SEM, XRF) and optical astronomy (AO wave front sensors, HTRA). Upon request of the audience some of the applications of the topics “X-ray astronomy, synchrotron detectors, XRF and optical astronomy” can be intensified “on-line” if desired. |
Speaker: |
Dr. Lothar Strüder - Max-Planck-Institute |
Speaker Bio: |
Lothar Strüder is a researcher at the Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Munich (1987) and a Professor of Physics at the University of Siegen (2001). He is an expert in the development of Imaging X-ray detectors and applications of state-of- the-art semiconductor detector systems. Lothar has lead the MPI Semiconductor Laboratory (HLL) since 1990. This advanced laboratory provides silicon detectors for particle physics and X-ray astronomy not available commercially. The complete silicon technology of the HLL is adapted to the special requirements of semiconductor radiation detectors. Important features are in particular the ability to build wafer size defect free double sided detectors on ultrapure silicon. |
Poster Link: |
Poster |
Presentation: |
Presentation on 2/7/2007 (PDF)