Polaris to Orion 3-D CdZnTe Gamma-Neutron Imaging Spectrometers
Abstract: |
This presentation introduces the technology of 3-dimensional position-sensitive room-temperature semiconductor gamma-ray imaging spectrometers. These detectors provide energy depositions and 3-dimensional positions of individual radiation interactions. The combined capabilities of high resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy, real-time imaging, and room-temperature operation have attracted long and sustained support from the Department of Energy, Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security over the past two decades. The detector technology has been transformed from basic research to commercial market. Multiple Polaris 3-D CdZnTe gamma-ray detector systems have been delivered to the Department of Defense for field tests and evaluations since 2010, to several DOE National Laboratories for Homeland Security and nuclear material monitoring applications, to University of Maryland for proton cancer therapy research and to more than 20 nuclear power plants around the world.
The principles of University of Michigan Polaris technology will be presented, together with its applications in nuclear power, national security, international nuclear non-proliferation, homeland security, medical imaging, fundamental physics and planetary sciences. The current research and development from Polaris to Orion digital detector technology will be introduced at the end of this presentation.
Speaker: |
Zhong He - University of Michigan |
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