Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors
Abstract: |
In this seminar I will review the progress towards the development of a new type of silicon detectors suited for picosecond tracking, the so called Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors . UFSD are based on the concept of Low-Gain Avalanche Detectors, which are silicon detectors with an internal multiplication mechanism so that they exhibit a signal which is a factor of ~ 10 larger than standard silicon detectors. This increased signal makes LGAD ideal for many applications, ranging from experiments requiring very low material budgets, to very high radiation environment, to applications that need very precise timing. I will report on first measurements and the plan for future productions. |
Speaker: |
Nicolo Cartiglia - INFN Torino |
Speaker Bio: |
I have been working in experimental high-energy physics since my PhD degree.
My work has focused on detector design, construction and commissioning and on data analysis.
Currently I am involved in the development of new silicon sensors, the design and construction of the very forward Totem-CMS proton tagger CT-PPS for the CMS experiment at LHC (CERN, Geneva), and in the yellow report on LHC forward physics.
Poster Link: |
Poster |
Presentation: |
Presentation on 1/7/2015 (PDF)