CMB Instrumentation
Abstract: |
After a brief introduction to the scientific motivation, we review some of the instrumentation used to measure the CMB anisotropy and polarization. We indicate future directions and draw examples of different techniques from WMAP, ACT, ABS, and ACTPol. |
Speaker: |
Lyman Page - Princeton University |
Speaker Bio: |
Page's primary research is on the analysis and measurement of the cosmic mi-
crowave background (CMB) from ground-based, balloon-borne, and satellite plat-
forms with HEMT ampliers, SIS mixers, and bolometers. Detection techniques
include direct mapping, time domain beam synthesis, and interferometry. Page
has been a PI or Co-I on the FIRS, SASK, MSAM, QMAP, TOCO, and MINT
experiments. He is one of the original co-investigators and the Princeton lead on
the WMAP satellite which has mapped the anisotropy in the CMB over the entire
sky with sub-degree resolution. He is the director of the ACT/ACTPol project in
which a dedicated 6 m telescope in Chile with thousands of detectors is mapping
the CMB with arcminute resolution, and will soon map in polarization. He is a
co-director of the ABS experiment to measure the CMB B-mode polarization. |
Poster Link: |
Poster |
Presentation: |