Jungfrau, Mönch and Eiger: Detector development at the Swiss Light Source
Abstract: |
The detector group at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) is currently involved in several detector
development projects both for synchrotrons and XFELs. In the presentation we give an overview
of our developments with a focus on Jungfrau, Mönch and Eiger.
Jungfrau is a charge integrating detector with a 75x75 μm2 pixel size, dynamic gain switching, a
noise of about 120 electrons and a dynamic range of 104 photons per pixel and image. The
detector is developed for SwissFEL (the XFEL currently being built at the Paul Scherrer Institut).
However, with a frame rate of 1-2 kHz and a data quality similar to single photon counting
detectors, it is also an excellent detector for applications at synchrotrons specifically those
having a high photon rate (like protein crystallography or small angle scattering). Initially we plan
a 4M pixel detector with modules having about 500k pixels and an active area of 4 x 8 cm2.
Mönch is also a charge integrating detector with a pixel size of 25 μm. It is currently in a
research state, we have first prototypes and work on defining larger systems. The current
prototype chip has 160 x 160 pixels (see figure 1). Since the possibility of interpolating between
neighboring pixels allows a micrometric resolution the main application is high resolution x-ray
imaging both at synchrotrons and with x-ray tubes.
Eiger is a single photon counting pixel detector with a pixel size of 75x75 μm2 and a focus on
high frame rates (up to 24 kHz). We are currently working on the assembly of a 9M pixel
detector, the installation at the cSAXS beamline of the SLS is foreseen for this year.
The status of the systems, first results and the plans for the future will be shown. |
Speaker: |
Aldo Mozzanica - Paul Scherrer Institut |
Speaker Bio: |
Aldo Mozzanica obtained his Ph.D. in Experimental Physics at the University of Milan
with a thesis on the development of scintillating fiber tracker for antiproton cross section,
in which he focused on the readout electronics and on the DAQ system.
Since February 2008 he works at the Paul Scherrer Institut, in the SLS detector group. In
the first years at PSI he developed Gotthard, a Silicon strip detector with integrating
readout and automatic gain switching, designed for operation at Synchrotron sources and
He is now responsible for the SwissFEL detector development, in particular the Jungrfrau
project. He has experience in all aspect of single photon counting and charge integrating
Silicon detectors, in-depth knowledge of electronics, PCB design, ASIC design and
FPGA firmware development. |
Poster Link: |
Poster |
Presentation: |
Presentation on 10/24/2013 (PDF)