Electromagnetic Calorimeter for a Future Lepton Collider
Abstract: |
The talk summarises the status of the R&D for a highly granular electromagnetic silicon-trungsten calorimeter, SiW Ecal, for the operation in a detector of a future lepton collider. This detector will allow for high precision physics at the TeV scale. In combination with other sub-detectors the calorimeter is conceived for a jet energy resolution of 3-4% for jet energies between 45 and 250 GeV. Such a resolution would be 2 times better than the jet energy resolution achieved at LEP. The R&D for the SiW Ecal is conducted within the international collaboration CALICE.
The high granularity of the calorimeter allows for obtaining unprecedented detailed images of hadronic showers. This is on one hand indispensable to obtain the experimental goals at a future lepton collider and on the other hand of great interest for many other domains in science.
The talk describes the details of the mechanical design, the silicon wafer development as well as the R&D for the front-end electronics which will be embedded into the detector layers. In all these fields there is considerable potential for synergies with other domains in science.
Speaker: |
Roman Poeschl - LAL in2p3 |
Speaker Bio: |
Dr. Roman Poeschl received his PhD in 2000 which focused on the Double Differential Dijet Rate in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA. He is currently doing research at the University of Paris XI and LAL Orsay. |
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Poster |
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