Novel sensors for Cherenkov counters
Abstract: |
For the next generation of ring imaging Cherenkov counters (e.g., at super B factories) new types of sensors are needed that can operate in high magnetic fields. One of the very promising candidates are Geiger mode APDs, also known as silicon photomultipliers (SiPM). They have several other advantages (i.e. lower operation voltage, less material, a higher photon detection efficiency) compared to conventional photomultiplier tubes. They also have a high gain and a good time response, and allow, due to their small dimensions, light and robust mechanical designs. However, due to the serious disadvantage of a very high dark rate (~ 1MHz/mm^2), they have up to now not been used in Cherenkov detectors, where single photon detection is required. The seminar will report on successful tests of a prototype module as a photon detector in a proximity focusing RICH with aerogel radiator.
Various light guides were also investigated in order to increase the detection efficiency. In the seminar we will also discuss alternatives, two types of vacuum based photon detectors. Finally, some results will be shown of tests of SiPMs as scintillation light sensors for PET detectors.
Speaker: |
Peter Krizan - University of Ljubljana and J. Stefan Institute |
Speaker Bio: |
Peter Krizan is a professor of physics at the University of Ljubljana, and a principal investigator at the J. Stefan Institute. He did his PhD on the Omicron experiment at CERN, after which he worked on the ARGUS and HERA-B experiments at DESY. In HERA-B, his team was, among others, responsible for the RICH counter. He then joined the Belle experiment at KEK, where he has been involved in several analyses, in the upgrade of the vertex detector, and in the preparation of the particle identification system upgrade for Belle-II. He is also serving as a chair of the Interim Steering Committee of the Belle-II collaboration.
Poster Link: |
Poster |
Presentation: |
Presentation on 6/10/2009 (PDF)