Macrobolometers for rare events physics: the 1000 crystals challenge and beyond
Abstract: |
Bolometric detectors were introduced in rare events physics in the 1980s. During the last 20 years these detectors became crucial for a large number of Neutrino Physics and Dark Matter search applications.
A bolometer, composed of an absorber crystal and a temperature sensor, measures the energy of an impinging particle converted into phonons. This provides us with an energy collection mechanism that is more efficient than those used in other standard detectors, which is translated into a much better energy resolution. Typical energy resolutions for kg scale bolometers are better than 2‰ at 5.3 MeV and 1% at 10 keV, however the price to pay is a very slow time evolution of the signal. This good energy resolution together with the possibility of choosing a wide range of materials for the absorber crystal, make bolometers the ideal candidates for a large number of rare events applications in which the slowness of the response is not important for the measurement.
The CUORE experiment represents the present challenge for the bolometric technique by pushing it from the present detector array size (tens of crystals with an effective mass of tens of kg) to the much larger detector number (~1000) and effective mass (~ton).
Latest improvements are reported also in scintillating bolometers, which are the future generation of macrobolometers due to their high resolution, together with the radiation discrimination advantages of scintillation.
Speaker: |
Paolo Gorla - Gran Sasso National Laboratories |
Speaker Bio: |
Currently, I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at Laboratory Nazionali del Gran Sasso - INFN in Italy. I have been a member of the CUORICINO and CUORE collaborations for the past 10 years. I obtained my Ph.D. from University of Milano-Bicocca in Italy on 2005. My main research interest is focused on the development of advanced detectors for rare events astroparticle physics, and I also have a wide experience in low background techniques. My present research effort is concentrated on bolometric detectors.
I actively participated in the construction and operation of the CUORICINO experiment (a detector with an effective mass of 40.2 kg) for the search of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay. I have been involved in the R&D effort for CUORE -ton scale upgrade of CUORICINO- where my main focus has been the optimization of the detector resolution and it’s background reduction. Presently, I am part of the CUORE construction team.
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