3D silicon Detectors for LHC Upgrades
Abstract: |
3D silicon sensors, where electrodes penetrate throughout the entire wafer thickness are among the technologies being considered for the replacement of the innermost layers (B-layer) of the ATLAS pixel detector. Such layers will suffer very high radiation damage during their life time and will therefore require radiation hard technologies to guarantee proper tracking reconstruction at high luminosity. Current silicon technology can operate up to 1015 1 MeV equivalent neutrons cm-2. This is possible because radiation induced space-charge build-up can be controlled by increasing the oxygen content of Float-Zone silicon substrates and high operating voltages are possible due to the development of sophisticated guard-rings. Such devices are currently installed in the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments. Much work is in progress to improve this limit to 1016 cm-2 so that silicon technology can be used in detectors at an upgraded LHC (SLHC). Beyond fluences of 1015 cm-2, charge trapping is the major limit to performance. To date, the only means to improve matters is by the use of device engineering, in particular, by the development of 3D technology (originally fabricated at Stanford) or operating planar devices with thinner substrates. This talk will discuss the status of 3D silicon detectors and the system implications of using this technology for the B-layer in the ATLAS experiment. |
Speaker: |
Cinzia Da Via - University of Manchester |
Speaker Bio: |
Cinzia DaViá is a permanent faculty member in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester, UK. She has been working on radiation hard detector development for the past 10 years and is one of the two co-discovers of the ‘Lazarus effect’. This is the recovery - “from the dead” - of silicon detectors after heavy irradiation when operated at cryogenic temperatures. Some of her Ph. D studies were based in Berkeley during which she participated in discussions which led to the design of 3D silicon sensors. She has been working on 3D silicon technology with the proponents since 1998. At present she leads the 3DAtlas pixel R&D, which aims to utilise 3D silicon pixels in the upgraded B-layer of the ATLAS experiment at CERN and is coordinating the 3D silicon detector development for the ATLASFP project, which aims to detect diffractive protons in the forward region in ATLAS. In 2006 she formed the 3D Consortium to transfer the original 3D silicon technology to industry. |
Poster Link: |
Poster |
Presentation: |
Presentation on 1/21/2009 (PDF)