COPPER System -- Modularized Pipeline Readout Electronics for Higher-Luminosity B-Factory Experiment
Abstract: |
To search for a New Physics beyond the Standard Model, we are planning to upgrade the Belle, one of two B-factory experiments in the world, by increasing the e+e- collider luminosity by factor of ~50. In the upgraded B-factory experiment, the expected trigger rate will be 30kHz at most, corresponding to 20 times higher than the present one, where the present data acquisition (DAQ) system is not expected to work. As a consequence, we have newly developed a pipelined readout electronics, "COPPER" system. The COPPER system consists of two components; one is modularized signal digitizer cards and the other is a common motherboard to mount them responsible for the card readout and data transmission to the external PC. The module structure reduces the R&D and maintenance cost of the digitizer. To check the validity of the COPPER system, we partially replaced the working Belle DAQ system with the COPPER and made in-situ study. After the successful results of the study, we replaced a half of the Belle DAQ system with the COPPER. Other experiments than Belle (J-PARC etc) has also started to employ the COPPER system for its excellent performance. |
Speaker: |
Takeo Higuchi - KEK |
Speaker Bio: |
Takeo Higuchi is an assistant professor at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK). He has been working on Belle at KEK, and has been co-produced together with BaBar at SLAC the experimental evidence of the Kobayashi-Maskawa theory as well as other remarkable physics results about the CP asymmetry in the B meson decays. Besides the physics research work, he is also involved in the detector readout electronics and the data acquisition system. The COPPER readout system, of which detail is presented in this seminar, is one of his major achievements toward the severer trigger rate and the larger data size expected in the luminosity-upgraded B-factory experiment.
Poster Link: |
Poster |
Presentation: |
Presentation on 1/7/2009 (PDF)