date unknown All That Fits is News to Print Vol. 1, No. 8

Contents of Vol. 1, No. 8

  1. Pro Matlab on SLC Vax
  2. Twiss for WIRE monitors and dither coils
  3. Magnet Diagnostics Panel
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Page contact and owner at end of this issue.

Pro Matlab on SLC Vax

June 30, 1987

Author: John Zicker Subsystem: SLC Vax User Impact: ?????
Panel Changes: None Documentation: Yes Help File: None

The VAX implementation of PRO-MATLAB has been installed on the SLC VAX. PRO-MATLAB is an enhanced version of the MATLAB some of you are familiar with. PRO-MATLAB provides interactive software for: matrix computations, applied mathematics, time-series analysis, signal processing, control systems analysis and 2D and 3D graphics. Since PRO-MATLAB is interactive no programming is required to quickly solve numerical problems. Documentation is available as a users manual and lots of examples. PRO-MATLAB requires a terminal with Tektronix graphics compatability. Hardcopy of the graphics output is available on the Imagen laserprinter. I have played with PRO-MATLAB for a few weeks and can provide some assistance with your applications.

Twiss for WIRE monitors and dither coils

June 26, 1987

Author: Mark Woodley Subsystem: Final Focus User Impact: Small
Panel Changes: None Documentation: None Help File: No

The Final Focus ``dither coils'' and WIRE monitors have been added to the models. Support is now provided for putting Twiss parameters in the database for these devices when you perform a PUT TWISS IN DB from the Model OPTICS panel.

Magnet Diagnostics Panel

June 30, 1987

Author: Nobu Toge Subsystem: Magnets User Impact: Small
Panel Changes: None Documentation: No Help File: None



button (TRIM enable/disable) has been disabled for ordinary magnets (i.e.~LGPS, COR, QUAD, etc), in order to avoid confusion/mistakes. Now this button works only for the ARC magnet movers. Its primary purpose is, as described earlier, to flag a stuck magnet mover which has not yet been repaired.

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June 30, 1987 Index Panel Vol. 1, No. 8

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