Concept 'Roaring Ring'  Project Plan

Meeting #4

1. Feeling roped off by the horizontal tension bands.

answer: The tension band will be 6" away from the fabric surface on the lower fabric surface.  The tension band can be a 1" strip of braided white nylon to minimize impact.  Compared to the scale of the fabric system (8' wide by 11' tall, a 1" strip 6" in front of the fabric surface is minimal.

2. The projection 'sweet spot' hits a surface that is turning away from the viewers perspective (i.e. downward).

answer: The latest revision answers this concern by lowering the horizontal axis and support tube and thereby reversing the curvature to create a surface that is facing the viewers perspective.

3.  The support structure of the fabric will create a obstruction for the projection.

answer: The Tensile Arch system used in this design is the least obtrusive (by requiring the least structure than any other construction method aside from inflated surfaces.

4. The surfaces are too large or uninviting.

answer: The latest revision has scaled and proportioned surfaces to accomplish our design goal while creating an inviting and technological architecture.

  5.  Will people run into the system?

answer: There is a 6' alley between each kiosk and each kiosk as printed art panels to serve as boundaries to guide people around the exhibit.