The Carr undulator was measured with a coil much longer than the undulator. Two corrections were made to the data. First, the Earth's field outside the undulator was subtracted from the results. Second, the coil was pivoted about the exit end to measure the second field integral. For the short undulator in the center of the coil, this produced a combination of first and second integral. The measured first and second integrals were used to compute the actual second integral of the undulator. (The corrected data is placed in folders with the name of the correction.) The stages (and data files) have x in the wrong direction relative to the accelerator coordinate system. In the accelerator system: Z is in the beam direction, Y is up (but all measurements were done at y=0), and X is away from the undulator. The measurements have x toward the undulator. The earth field corrected data files have results given in the measurement system and also in the accelerator system. This is at the bottom of the file with an explanation. The I2 corrected files only have x given in the measurement coordinate system. The files with no correction also only have x in the measurement coordinate system. zw, 9/11/08