Using same coordinate system as the coil, Bartington 3 axis Fluxgate Magnetometer gave the following readings X = -0.733 V Y = -0.101 V Z = 2.391 V so the total magnitude is sqrt(X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2) = 2.515 V. Scale of Fluxgate is 1 Gauss = 10 V, so 2.515 V = 0.2515e-4 T. The X & Y component should only contribute to the field measured by the coil, so sqrt(X^2 + Y^2) = 0.740 V = 7.40e-6 T The length of the DC 2 coil is 0.457 m. So 7.40e-6 T * 0.457 m = 3.382e-6 Tm. The angle of X and Y is -172.6 degrees The 0 current measurement of the dipole moment from DC 2 is 2.8389e-06 Tm at -164.79 deg These agree fairly well given the alignment difficulties between the coil and the fluxgate