The bar code history, for the PEP2HER 560 quadrupoles, is in the file named "\\magserve\magdata\pep2her\560quad\summary\bchistry.txt". The header for the file is as follows: " CNT TYPE BC INSTAL BC MEAS BC FID SER RUN DIRECTORY EXT " " --- ---- --------- ------- ------ ---- --- --------- --- " CNT: is the quadrupole count. There should be 202 quadrupoles. TYPE: is the quadrupole type. Should be 560. BC INSTAL: is the bar code of the quadrupole at the time of installation. BC MEAS: is the bar code of the quadrupole at the time of magnetic measurements. BC FID: is the bar code of the quadrupole at the time of alignment fiducialization. SER: is the serial number of the quadrupole at the time of magnetic measurements. RUN: is the last magnetic measurement for the quadrupole. DIRECTORY: is the directory name where the data is stored for the quadrupole. Prefix to the "DIRECTORY" should be "\\magserve\magdata\pep2her\560quad\". EXT: is the file extention for the data files. John Gracia provided the bar code information. Magnetic Measurements is in agreement with the bar code information except for quadrupole "BC INSTAL 3297". The information provided is "BC MEAS 468". Magnetic Measurements made a reverse polarity measurement after the bar code was changed. Thus "BC MEAS 468" is now "BC MEAS 3297". There is also some confusion with quadrupole "BC INSTAL 3203". The information provided is "BC MEAS 101". Magnetic Measurements has one data run out of three on this quadrupole which shows the bar code as 1014. The other two data runs show the bar code as 101. Assuming the 1014 is a typing error "BC MEAS 101" will be kept. 15-OCT-1996 Tim Slaton