Coil Constant for DC34_Add using magnet LCLS Quad Q5 New Calibrated Coil Constant = 252.43281, File (Old) Coil Constant = 254.05380 New Constant/Old Constant = 0.9936, Old Coil Radius = 0.0089000, New Radius = 0.0089011, Number of coils = 2 (Only change radius if Number of coils = 1!) Wire Strength = 0.173667 Tm, Coil Strength = 0.174782 Tm, Magnet Type is Quadrupole at Imag = 144.038 for coil. Number of Coil Turns = 50 Coil Constant Calculated from radius, turns and magnet order = 252.4934 (Should be within 5% of Calibrated Coil Constant)