Coil 26DBQ0.25 Calibration check. LCLS Quad 000709 was measured at 6 amps with coil26DBQ0.25 (strdat.r19) and a stretched wire (wireplt.r20), both after a 2 hour warm up at 6 amps. Coil Transfer Function (strdat.r19) = 0.7122872 +/- 1.856691e-05 T/A, relative error 2.60666e-05 Stretch Wire (wireplt.r20) Transfer Function = 0.7120419 +/- 5.026707e-04, relative error = 7.0595e-04 Ratio Coil/Wire = 0.7122872/ 0.7120419 = 1.00034, which is within the acceptable error of 0.04%