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EP-Hazardous Waste Management
Forms Guidance Supplies

Aerosol Cans

Aerosol cans are used for many products, including paint, lubricants, and insect spray.

Disposal Rules

  • Aerosol cans that are not empty, but can no longer be used (due to a broken or plugged nozzle), must be managed as a hazardous waste.

  • Aerosol cans, if empty, can go to the regular trash*. However, SLAC is committed to reducing waste and recycling where possible, therefore; where practical, used aerosol cans are collected by Waste Management for recycling

*Exception: Cans that held an extremely hazardous or acutely hazardous material cannot go into the regular trash. Waste management can assist you in determining if your aerosol products fall into this category.

Tips for handling aerosol cans

  • An aerosol can is empty if no material is supplied when the spray valve is depressed (additionally, shake the can to confirm it is empty).
  • If you have an aerosol can with a plugged tip, remove the tip from another empty and see if you can use the remaining product.
  • Check to see if your group or department has a collection drum designated for aerosol cans. Empty and non-empty aerosol cans can both go into the same collection drum.
  • Do not put aerosol cans in a collection drum for any other type of hazardous waste.
  • If a collection drum for aerosol cans is not available, store your waste aerosol cans in a safe location, such as a chemical cabinet, or in a Waste Accumulation Area (WAA).

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