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EP-Hazardous Waste Management
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Hazardous Waste Removal

Criteria for Requesting Removal of a Hazardous Waste

Request removal of a hazardous waste container when any of the following are true:

  • The container reaches its accumulation time limit. Check the hazardous waste label for the Return Date

  • The container is full. (Do not overfill drums so that the lid cannot be properly closed)

  • The container is no longer needed.

To request the removal of waste from your work area, submit a Hazardous Waste Pick-up and Empty Container Request Form. Specify on the form if you need replacement containers, and they will be delivered when the old ones are removed.

The pick-up form requires information such as where and how the waste was generated. This information is needed to determine the appropriate waste categories for waste disposal, tracking, and report generating. Please see Instructions for completing the Haz Waste Pick-up form for full details.

When the form is completed, send to Waste Management either by fax (Ex. 3306) or interoffice mail (M/S 36).

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