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EP-Hazardous Waste Management
Forms Guidance Supplies


SLAC uses a combination of on-site classes, off-site classes, and on-the-job training to satisfy the ESH-related training requirements of all personnel.

A description of available courses, and the types of work activities and hazards that require the training are compiled into the SLAC Training Assessment (STA).

The STA is an assessment of what hazard training each employee needs for his/her job. It is given to each employee during the annual performance evaluation period. It is also given to new employees and employees whose duties or job hazards change significantly.

Training Plans and Database

From the STA, an Individual Training Plan is developed. Individual Training Plans are entered into the SLAC Training Database. This database tracks training that has been taken, what training requirements are not satisfied, and when retraining is required. Employees, managers, and supervisors can customize reports for individuals, groups, or departments.

Minimum training requirements

To work with hazardous materials and hazardous waste, at a minimum you will need to take the following courses:


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