Distilled Web Version 1-March-1999

Revised September 23, 1998

Revised July 27, 1998

Original April 5, 1998


NLC Formal Device Name Format


M. Woodley, T. Raubenheimer, R. Sass

October 27, 1998


The purpose of this note is to describe the formal global naming scheme for NLC devices. To begin with, the proposed scheme is intended for use in naming NLC beam line components (magnets, accelerators, diagnostics, etc.), however the scheme should be flexible enough to be extended to other NLC components.

The global naming scheme makes references to individual NLC devices unambiguous, and allow us to enumerate global device lists for engineering and cost estimates. The unique name of each device will provide a first level key into the databases that will be used for cost estimation and scheduling, as well as providing the essential tag needed during production and installation, and by the future NLC control system. Because the name includes information on what a device is and where it is located, lists sorted by device type or geographical region can be constructed by keying off portions of the name.

The Formal Device Name consists of four (4) fields:

  1. AREA: A physical area of the NLC. Initial areas are beam line designations (e.g. EDR or PFF1) and are defined by the modeling decks. Additional areas for support buildings, alcoves etc. are added as required.
  2. TYPE: A generic device type. Initial types are defined by the modeling decks (e.g. QUAD or HCOR) with many others added as required.
  3. UNIT: For beamline devices, this is a positive decimal number related to a device’s location along the beam line. For non-beamline devices this may be an ordinal or encoded number to uniquely identify a specific device.
  4. QUAL: An optional field used to uniquely identify devices of the same TYPE and  UNIT number.

A colon (:) is normally used to separate the fields although other delimeters may be used for special purposes. The AREA, TYPE and UNIT fields are required. The QUAL field is optional and is used to uniquely identify different devices with the same type and unit number. At this time there is no limit on the number of character positions assigned to each field, although brevity is desirable. For consistency, all device names are upper case, although we should avoid making the names case sensitive. Each field except UNIT consists of alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9); the special characters "-" (dash) and "_" (underscore) will also be allowed. Some examples of device names are:



Ideally, the UNIT number is related to the longitudinal position of the device along the beam line, referenced to the start of the appropriate area. In the linac and beam delivery areas the location value represents distance along the beam line in meters; in the injector areas the location value represents beam line distance in decimeters.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that devices may be renamed after lattice revisions which entail changes to device locations in order to maintain the relationship between a device’s location value and its actual position. Likely there will be some compromise between maintaining the accuracy of the location field and maintaining an element’s name across lattice revisions.

Each device may have one or more additional names associated with it, both in the primary database and in the optics decks. These secondary names will include (where appropriate):

These additional names will provide the necessary links to the engineering specifications of the device so that a straightforward comparison between device requirements and capabilities can be made.


The current list of valid area and type names with their descriptions are kept in an Oracle Database. They can be viewed from the NLC   AREA and TYPE Web pages.